14th July Arafah Itinerary Iraq
Day 1: 15th July, Thu; arrive @ Baghdad airport @ 0055. Meet and assist and drive to Karbala Mualla. Check in hotel @ 0430. Rest and combined tour and ziyarat of Haram Hazrat Abbas a.s. and Imam Hussain @1500. Dua e Kumail is at Baynul Haramain after maghrib prayer and few Ziyaraats. Majlis in hotel after dinner. Overnight in Karbala.
Day 2: 16th July; Fri; @1100 walk to Haram Imam Hussain for Friday prayers. At 4 pm surrounding ziyarat of Karbala on foot part 1. Overnight in Karbala.
Day 3: 17th July; Sat; @0930 surrounding ziyarat of Karbala on foot part 2. Majlis of Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel shahadat after dinner in hotel and Aamaal of eve of Arafah. Overnight in Karbala.
Day 4: 18th Jul; Sun; @ 0900 aamaal of Day of Arafah in hotel Jannatul Hussain. Dua of Imam Hussain to be recited as well. Majlis in hotel after dinner. Overnight in Karbala.
Day 5: 19th July; Mon; AM free time. At 1600 shopping trip. Eid Ul Adha is today.
Day 6: 20th July; At 0900 trip to Hilla for ziyarat of Nabi Ayub, Sharifa bint ul Imam Hassan, Hamza. After dinner bid farewell to Imam Hussain and Hazrat Abbas a.s. Overnight in Karbala.
Day 7: 21st July; At 0900 checkout hotel and drive to Najaf Al Ashraf. Enroute ziyarat of Hazrat Hur a.s. Check in Hotel Qasr Al Dur in Najaf. After rest and ghusl combined ziyarat and tour of haram Imam Ali a.s. and ziyarat of Nabi Adam and Nooh beside Imam Ali a.s. Overnight in Najaf Al Ashraf.
Day 8: 22ndJul; Thu; At 1000 expected meeting with Ayatollah Syed Ali Sistani. At 1600 walk to wadi Al Salam ziyarat of Nabi Hud and Saleh a.s. After maghrib salat in Haram Imam Ali a.s. there will be Dua e Kumail. Overnight in Najaf.
Day 9: 23rd July; Fri; At 0900 drive to Masjid Hananah, Kumail, and Masjid Sahla. At 1600 shopping trip. Overnight in Najaf Ashraf.
Day 10: 24th July; Sat; 45 mins before fajr to proceed to masjid Kufa for 5-hour aamaal and ziyarat of Muslim Bin Aqeel, Mukhtar Al Thaqafi, Hani bin Urwa and Maqam Zarbat (where Ibn Muljim stroke poisonous sword on Imam Ali a.s during prayer in this masjid. This is 5th holiest masjid in the world where all prophets have prayed. Holy Prophet also prayed here while performing Meraj. Flood of Nooh stated here. There are few holy spots of prophets and Imam to pray units of prayers. Visit home of Imam Ali a.s. and shrine of Misam al Tammar. After dinner bid farewell to Imam Ali a.s. Overnight in Najaf.
Day 11: At 0800 checkout hotel and proceed to Samaraa. Ziyarat of 10th Imam, 11th Imam, Narjis Khatun (mother of 12th Imam), Hakeema Khatun (sister of 10th Imam) and the basement where Imam Zamana (12th Imam) was born. Lunch in restaurant of this shrine. Drive to Balad and perform ziyarat of Syed Mohammed (elder brother of 11th Imam) and here hajaat are fulfilled for couples who don’t get children easily. Drive to Kazmain and check in hotel Dhiyoof Qasr al Kazimiya. Overnight in Kazmain.
Day 12: 26th July; Mon; At fajr time combined ziyarat of 7th and 9th Imam. Bab ul Hawaej is Imam Musa Al Kazim a.s. At 0900 drive to Salman Pak for ziyarat of Salman al Mohammadi and Huzaifa Yamani, Abdullah bin jabber Al Ansari, 5th Imam Son.
Day 13: 27th July; Tue; At 0100 early morning checkout hotel and drive to Baghdad hotel. Reporting time is 0315. Pass through security and arrive at airline counter. Flight departs at 0715.
May Allah and Imam accept your efforts and Ibadaat, Ameen.